List of publications directly related to these indexes.

  1. Antonio Fariña, Nieves Brisaboa, Gonzalo Navarro, Francisco Claude, Ángeles Places, and Eduardo Rodríguez. Word-based Self-Indexes for Natural Language Text. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 30(1), 34 pages,2012. [abstract] [bibtex] [pdf]
  2. Nieves Brisaboa, Antonio Fariña, Susana Ladra, and Gonzalo Navarro. Implicit Indexing of Natural Language Text by Reorganizing Bytecodes. Information Retrieval, 31 pages, 2012. [doi] [abstract] [bibtex] [pdf]
  3. Nieves Brisaboa, Antonio Fariña, Gonzalo Navarro, Ángeles Places, and Eduardo Rodríguez. Self-Indexing Natural Language. Proc. SPIRE'08, pages 121-132. LNCS 5280, Melbourne, Australia, 2008. [doi] [abstract] [bibtex] [pdf]
  4. Nieves Brisaboa, Antonio Fariña, Susana Ladra, and Gonzalo Navarro. Reorganizing Compressed Text. Proc. ACM-SIGIR'08, pages 139-146. Singapore, 2008. [doi] [abstract] [bibtex] [pdf]

Other related webs

  1. LBD (Databases Laboratory) ::
  2. Gonzalo Navarro's ::
  3. Francisco Claude's ::
  4. Diego Arroyuelo's ::
  5. Boosting compression and Self-indexing with Dense Codes :: boosting.
Supported in part by MCIIN (PGE and FEDER) grants(TIN2006-15071-C03-03, TIN2009-14560-C03-02, TIN2010-21246-C02-01, and CDTI CEN-20091048); Xunta de Galicia grants (Feder) 2010/17 and (Agrupación Estratéxica) CN 2012/211); and AECI grant (A/8065/07).