I am a Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of A Coruña (UDC), and member of the Databases Lab (LBD).
My research is mainly focused in Text Retrieval on natural language text collections. Actually, my main contributions to this field are related to text compression, as well as to compressed indexing structures. Other areas of interest are: Algorithms, Searches in Metric Spaces, and Geographic Information Systems.
If you want more info about me, please move to the LBD site (my page in the site of our research group). Among others, you will find there an updated list of publications, my thesis (also available here), research projects,...
If you are interested in our developments in word-based compression, take a look at our Dense Codes (semistatic compression, dynamic compression, and dynamic lightweight compression). You can find more info in Dense Codes' website .
If you prefer to know about our word-based self-indexes, please visit: Word-based Self-indexes (wcsa & wssa) website. Also you will find a different word-based self-index approach in our compression/indexing boosting here.
If you are looking for teaching just choose among TP , SO or EDCAA links. For students of IB in the Grado en Ingeniería Informática please refer the Moodle framework of the UDC.
Thanks for you visit! Enjoy it!
Antonio Fariña.
Laboratorio de Bases de Datos, Facultad de Informática,
Campus de Elviña s/n, A Coruña (15071), SPAIN
Phone: +34-981167000 ext 1352
Fax: +34-981167160
